fredag, december 16, 2011

when you have had a few years of just fun, it's like you have taking each other for granted.
then, when you reach that point, that make you choose what you really want with your life, you have to work so much harder for the things that used to be so easy.
if you aren't use to that, it can be fights about different opinions, time, relationships etc.
it's not your fall, remeber, you guys are two who is giving up.
my edwice to you is: don't.
if you feel the smallest kind of sadness in your heart, fight for it to go away. the pain you feel after, the pain thats going to hunt you for the rest of you life, asking and telling you how wrong you handeld the situation is not worth it.
people my think it's the coolest way to stay away and wait for an apology, but I have discoverd that the people who wait is that one who is most terrified. I insted, is just feeling that sadness. and now, it's way to late to do someting about it.
so i'm going to bee hunted for the rest of my damn life. but at least I can sand up straight and screem out as loud as I can that I tried.
I know people who can't.

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